Looking for the best and free content to learn about mix games? Look no further! Our YouTube page has several different playlists for you to learn, improve or continue your mix game journey! Check out some examples below:
5 Hands with a Donkey (aka Chris Vitch)
-In this series Chris and Kyle have a high level discussion about five hands in a specific mix game variant.
Free Session Reviews with Kyle
-Play on Phenom and want a free review up to 1 hour of mix game play? All you have to do is record yourself playing your favorite mix game and email it to [email protected]. Kyle will get in contact with you and you can record it with or without him. It will then be posted to YouTube.
-Need to register for a Phenom account? Register Here!
-New to mix games and looking for the easiest fixes to improve you decisions. The Mixed Fixed series is probably the easiest way for new players to increase their win rate!
-Watch Kyle play and explain his thought process in various different mix games at various limits.